Rural Mental Health and Wellbeing

Rural mental health and wellbeing – the recording and outputs from the 2021vSRP Session on 18th March 2021. 

Session curated by the Scottish Rural Mental Health Forum and chaired by Jim Hume, SRMHF Convener.

Drawing on emerging Scottish research, this session debated action to promote mental health and wellbeing in rural and island communities with a particular focus on reaching out to and including marginalised groups. It was attended by 63 participants. 

As Jim reminded us in his opening remarks, this year has seen the topic of mental health rise up the agenda. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on people’s mental health in different ways, some positive and some negative, with learning captured by academic institutions and diverse organisations. Now it is time to use that learning to identify action that will underpin mental wellbeing.


More information

  1. Session Report
  2. Session Recommendations
  3. Watch the Main Session
  4. Watch the Youth Session

Session Report

Session Recommendations

Watch the Main Session

Watch the Youth Session

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